Top 8 Reasons You Need Scrum Master Certification

Top 8 Reasons You Need Scrum Master Certification


When you are out in the market to seek a job, it is critical to understand the prized credentials that set you apart from your competitors.

In a span of a decade or so, CSM training and certification has become highly sought after in the IT industry and employers are all the more keen to hire Scrum certified professionals.

In order to be a successful Scrum master, your understanding of the Scrum concepts and their implementation needs to be very clear. Hence, the Certified ScrumMaster training comes into the picture. Certification is also crucial in the verification process and demonstrates your capabilities to prospective employers.

Want to know more reasons to opt for the CSM Training? Keep reading.

  1. Widely Accepted in IT Industry & A Favourite With The Recruiters: Scrum masters are an absolute favourite with the employers and the industry alike. No wonder there are unprecedented financial benefits being enjoyed by them worldwide.

If we take the statistics of US alone into the picture, as per a recent study conducted in the year 2017, Scrum Masters topped the list of highest package takers and the trend just continues to prevail.

  1. Focus on quality and delivery value: When it comes to the client, quality and deliverance value are of paramount importance. The same are high priority for the professionals, too.Certified Scrum Masters take it altogether to a whole new level.

Many firms that have implemented Scrum have been able to achieve tremendous improvement in their profitability and productivity . As per a recent survey conducted by the State of Scrum, more than 85% of participants have wholeheartedly accepted that Scrum indeed has brought massive improvement to their life quality.

Here’s further segregation of the result

  • More than 95% of respondents want to continue with the Scrum in future projects as well.
  • Another 80% want to recommend Scrum certification to their friends, colleagues and other working professionals.
  1. Remain Marketable: What makes you stand out from the crowd is the exact thing, which makes you highly marketable too! This certification makes your mind supremely agile with the right kind of mindset to implement this methodology . Such a person is an asset to the firm he or she No wonder, recruiters are so keen to quickly absorb CSM professionals, who are adept at Scrum principles and processes.
  1. Become a part of the Great Scrum Community: Being a Certified Scrum Master gives you an ultimate chance to be part of the elite community of Scrum experts worldwide.

It’s a huge opportunity to work alongside the Scrum community who are committed to the continual improvement and introduction of best practices worldwide. The community in itself is an institution, an ultimate knowledge base created to provide valuable guidance to the seekers.

  1. Chance to assist in new projects: Clients are more trusting and willing to give their projects to the firms that have a good number of Scrum M That’s simply because Scrum is all about quality and value, something which every consumer is looking for.

So, if you are a certified professional, you are bound to land more projects that you can work or assist on. 

  1. Proves your willingness to embrace the changes: All the new age companies are looking for professionals who can shed their old ways and are more than ready to try and learn new ways of doing things.

A certification from a CSM course shows your willingness to embark into unknown territory, unlearning your previous conditioning. It is all about sharpening your agile skills and increasing your knowledge base.

Such characteristics are always appreciated by employers when hiring their future talent.

  1. Complete Access: A scrum master has the right to know about the project in and out. Transparency is maintained which is further instrumental in identifying the conflicts in the project if any.

Regular meetings and face to face communications are encouraged to rule out any doubts or misunderstandings. This helps in chalking out the product completion and delivery plan with absolute accuracy.

As soon as an issue surfaces, it is acknowledged and handled head-on. Quick response dissolves the risk factor to a great extent. Regular reviews further help to keep the problem in check. No wonder, the chances of the project getting delayed or falling apart goes down considerably.

  1. Improvement in investment: A project planned meticulously under the leadership of a capable Scrum Master seldom fails. No wonder, investors are willing to pump in more money and resources into Scrum projects.

Having a Scrum Master Certification opens a plethora of career paths for you to choose from and walk further on the road to success.

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