All You Need to Know About Singapore Domain Registration

Domain Registration


Do you run a business website or own a small business in Singapore? If yes, you should have a domain name of your own. To have a strong online presence, your business needs an identity. Most small and medium enterprises in Singapore have embraced digitalization with domain name registration for their website. If you own a startup or have a business entity just registered in Singapore, you can have free domain under the SME Domain Name Reservation scheme.

Having a ‘’ or ‘.sg’ domain will help your business reach out to the local markets in Singapore. Other than this, it will also give your website a better visibility and credibility.

How to get a free ‘ domain’ registration for your business?

Your business will become successful if it has an online presence too. With a website and a unique domain name, your business will be recognized by people easily. Prospective customers, who look for your products or services, search online first to find more about them before deciding to buy. To have your brand, product or service identified by local customers in Singapore, you need to have an .sg or domain. Here’s how you can get it free for your business.

The first step is to find if you are eligible for free Singapore domain registration. For the purpose, you need to ensure whether you meet the following requirements.

  • Is your company a new one, which is registered just now? The SME Domain Name Reservation scheme is applicable only for those entities such as businesses, companies, Limited Liability Partnership (LLP), Public Accounting Firms (PAF) and Public Accounting Corporation (PAC) registered within the last ninety days.
  • You have selected your preferred domain name,and it is reserved with the Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority (ACRA). However, you should not have claimed a or .sg domain.
  • One of the owners of your business has the National Registration Identity Card (NRIC) and it is verified by ACRA.
  • You have chosen a domain, which is not changeable. If the domain name is transferred within the first year, you will have to pay SGD30 as an administrative fee.

Once you have met the eligibility requirements of free registration, the next step is to register the domain. For the purpose, you need to make sure that the desired domain name is available. Using the domain name search tool, you can ensure it. For choosing a domain name there are some guidelines like the name should be short, easy to remember, pronounceable and brandable. All these help distinguish your website from other websites easily.

Next, you have to fill out your business details like the NRIC details, company name and ACRA number. Before submitting your application for domain registration, you have to agree to the term that the .sg or domain registration is only for one year. Once done, you can submit it.

The SME domain reservation scheme is a joint effort by IDA (Infocomm Media Development Authority), ACRA and SGNIC (Singapore Network Information Center), under which domainregistration is offered at a subsidy to new entities in Singapore.

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