Botox – The Quick Fix to Erase Wrinkles and Get Your Youth Back

Botox – The Quick Fix to Erase Wrinkles and Get Your Youth Back


Botox injections are one of the popular treatments among celebrities and even upper social classes. This is one of the best procedures to erase fine lines and wrinkles from face temporarily. Unlike most of the invasive cosmetic surgeries like facial contouring and facelift, Botox injections are quick, easy, not painless and affordable.

Also, it has got no downtime which means you can easily go to work after the treatment. However, the effects of Botox will not last forever and you need to redo it after certain period of time. As long as you can afford and intend to do it, you can retain your youthful look.

Botox – things you must know about

Botox is the shot form of a chemical substance called botulinum toxin. This is a type of neurotoxin by the bacteria Clostridium botulism. Needless to say, botulinum toxin can be harmful to you if not used correctly. When properly used, it can be used to treat several nerve disorders, fix wrinkles and crow’s feet and has got other therapeutic benefits.

Nevertheless, Botox is used in numerous medical treatments but it famous for its application in anti-aging treatments in both men and women. It is helps in reducing the fine line around eyes, lips and forehead. Also, it helps in uplifting the subcutaneous layer around the cheek and gives it a youthful plump.

To bust the myth, botox treatment does not paralyze your face but it relaxes the muscles around the affected area, which in turn stops the patient to frown and grim unnecessarily. Also, you must understand that after the treatment, to get best results you must follow the facial exercises instructed by the professional. This will help you in getting long lasting results.

Botox injections – the process

This bio-chemical composition botulinum toxin comes as a crystalline substance. In order to inject it to the body and layers of the skin it must be mixed with a liquid substance. Local anesthetic procedure is carried out after cleaning the face completely. This helps in reducing the discomfort during the injections. Once the anesthesia has taken effect, Botox is injected in the subcutaneous layer.

After the procedure

After the procedure is completed you need to sit in an upright position for few minutes. The professional will not allow to lie down for about 3-4 hours after the treatment, otherwise the Botox may drift away to the different parts of the face. Strenuous exercises should be avoided to reduce the chances of unwanted bruising. Certain medications like aspirin, paracetamol, ibuprofen needs to be avoided

The youthful effect

The youthful glow and plumped cheek effect will come between 3-10 days after the procedure. Very deep lines across your forehead will not disappear completely. However, as per the recent medical cosmetic survey 90% of the treated women reported in 70% reduced visibility of deep lines. If you want them to reduce it over time, you should follow up with a proper hydration treatment cycle at home.

You can slow down and reduce the signs of facial skin aging simply by preventing wrinkles and fine lines from developing thru taking good care of your skin. Begin by eating more fruits and vegetables to get more vitamin C. Have a good skincare routine, getting enough sleep, avoid over sun exposure, alcohol and cigarettes

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