How To Write an Excuse Letter for Late Submission of Assignments?

Submission of Assignments


Emergencies could strive anytime without prior information. Students are supposed to work on various assignments throughout their academic sessions. Hence, it is pretty common to encounter critical situations that could prevent you from finishing the home assignments on time. But primarily, students suffer because of their peculiar habit of delaying the tasks or not being attentive to the deadline.

What Is the Need for An Excuse Letter for Late Submission of Assignments?

Late submissions could harm your grades, or you might face rejection at the time of submission. Hence, it becomes vital to submit the application for late submission and get the teachers’ approval.

Do not mention lame excuses in your letter as it reflects that you failed to finish your assignments and not bothered to ask for help from someone capable. The reason should be valid so that the professor understands your situation and approves your request immediately.  

How To Write an Ideal Excuse Letter for Late Submission of Assignments?

  • Maintaining the balance between study and other activities is reasonably necessary for the students. If you fail to do so, there is a probability that you miss out on a few deadlines. The reasons could vary from student to student. It might be a jam-packed schedule, a part-time job, procrastination, or a medical emergency.
  • In some instances, the students can easily apply for a deadline extension. All you need to do is fill out the assignment deadline extension form, but you need to have a solid reason to back it up. It is highly recommended to prepare a late submission application even after you applied for the deadline extension.
  • The letter must disclose the reason for not meeting the deadlines and a convincing apology in a polite manner.

Proceed with writing the perfect excuse letter for delay in the homework or assignment submission using practical tips as mentioned below: 


  • You have to figure out that to which you are supposed to write the apology letter. After knowing the recipient of the application, you can move ahead.
  • Mostly, the subject teacher or the course professor is the concerned person you need to address your letter.
  • Some colleges prefer that the submission of an excuse letter to the HOD instead.
  • Start writing your letter by addressing the concerned teacher/instructors/professor respectfully.
  • Do not forget to put their designation along with their names. Specify the department and university details before writing the body of the letter.  

  • When writing an apology letter, it is better to be straightforward instead of beating around the bush. Initiate by heartfelt apology stating the valid reason for late submission formally.
  • Do not try to justify your mistake; take responsibility for your action, and start explaining the reason behind the delay in submission. You must ensure that you sound sincere.
  • Introduce yourself, followed by the situation or circumstances that stopped you from completing the tasks on time. Try to send the letter immediately after you miss the deadline.  

  • Do not forget to elaborate on the reasons for submitting your homework late. The reasons vary from student to student, and the professors regularly come across many excuses.
  • The professors do not approve the applications unless the students have a genuine reason.

Few acceptable reasons that students might include in their apology letter are:

  1. Medical concerns
  2. Time management issues
  3. Family emergencies
  4. Death of a family member
  5. Sudden contingency
  • Be clear and straight to the point while mentioning the reason for the delay. Do not exaggerate the situation, as it will appear that you are faking or giving lame excuses. Ask for the extension stating the by discussing your problem that caused the delay.
  • Try to be honest as professors know their students well. Transparency will impress your teacher, and they will approve your request instantly.

  • Mentioning the reasons would not be enough until you add the proof supporting your cause. It will validate your excuse when you provide ample evidence supporting your reason.
  • For example, if you faced a medical emergency and were unable to submit the assignment on time, you must attach the doctor’s prescription and the letter.
  • Many students work on a part-time basis. If work commitments cause a delay in your assignment submission, you can attach a letter from your employer as proof.  

General Format of An Apology Letter for Delay in Assignment Submission

Sender name

Sender address

Date: DD/MM/YY

Business Associate’s Name

Business Associate’s Address

Salutation (Business Associate’s Name)

RE: Apology

State the reason for the delay in the submission in the body of the letter. Try to use a formal tone and be genuine. Accept your mistake and take responsibility for your action. Elaborate the condition that led you made a mistake or that resists you from completing the assignment on time. Ensure that you will submit the task within a specific period. Mention the date before which you will submit the work.

Ask for an apology and commit not to repeat the mistake in the future. Attach a supporting document as proof with your email or letter.


Sender’s Name

If you are struggling with your assignments and not able to finish them on time, consult a professional to write an ideal excuse letter.


Writing a convincing letter of excuse for the late submission of your assignments is a crucial task. Follow the tips discussed earlier carefully; it will help you draft an application for late assignment submission.

It would be best not to reach such situations as they could put the wrong impression on the professors. Instead, you can ask the Online Assignment Help Service providers to assist you in writing your assignments.

Are you stuck with some emergency and cannot complete the assignment before the deadline? LiveWebTutors offer reliable Assignment Writing Services to help you submit assignments meeting the deadlines.

About Author:

Jake Thomson is a contributing writer to LiveWebTutors . He is a podcaster, style coach and has been a blogger and a professional blogger writing about educational skills, personal development and motivation since 2010. He has her own blogging website and well-established blog.

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