Important Document Required in JEE Main Exam Centre!

Important Document Required in JEE Main Exam Centre


NTA (National testing Agency) has released the official dates of the exam, exam centre allotment, admit card download date for JEE Main 2019. Apart from that, the conducting body NTA also released some list of important documents and instruction to follow during the examination in order to have smooth conduct of the examination.

You must be wondering what kind of documents to carry for the JEE Main exam apart from your JEE Main Admit Card. Check the complete list of the documents required for JEE Main and follow all the important instructions to avoid being disqualified for the exam. Here we have compiled some important rules and regulation which you need to follow during your examination day.

List of important documents required for JEE Main Exam 2019

As per the list of documents released by NTA (National testing Agency), there are some other vital documents required for JEE Main apart from your JEE Main Admit Card. The required list of documents is:

1. JEE Main Admit Card

Do not forget to carry your admit card for the exam as you won’t be allowed to enter the examination hall without the admit card.

  • You can download the admit card from the official website of NTA.
  • Show your admit card to the invigilator and confirm your identity with the same.
  • Take at least two printouts of the JEE Main admit card for backup in case one is torn or missed.
  • Check whether the admit card is in good condition or not.

2. Authorized photo identity proof

Carry one of the identity proof with you in case the invigilator asked for it.

  • Any government authorized photo-identity proof
  • Your identity should be valid, not expired and original.
  • You can carry PAN Card, Aadhar Card, Driving Licence, Voter-ID, Passport, Ration Card.

3. Disability Certificate (If any)

Aspirants falling under this category must bring their PwD certificates in the given format of JEE Main.

  • The document/certificate must be issued by the recognized authority.
  • You must submit the request in writing to the Centre Superintendent one week before the examination.
  • The candidates who are more than 40% visually challenged, will be provided with Reader/Scribe.
  • Candidates with 40% or more disability will be given one-hour extra time to complete the examination.

4. Passport Size Photo

Carry one passport size photograph with at the examination hall.

  • Photo must be same as uploaded on the JEE Main Application Form
  • The photograph is used for pasting on the attendance sheet at Centre during the exam.

5. Specific Stationary Items

Although, the stationary box is not allowed in the examination but you can carry:

  • Pencils, erasers, colour pencils (Offline exam).
  • No other kind of geometrical or electrical appliances is allowed in the exam hall.

Special Instructions/Guidelines for Candidates

Apart from bringing along the important documents, you need to keep in mind some other instructions. These are:

  • Do not forget to reach the JEE Main Exam centre at least one hour before the commencement of the examination as to avoid any kind of mishappening. If possible, you can visit your exam centre one day before the exam to get familiar with the routes.
  • Do not attempt any kind of rough work on the answer sheet. Online exam candidates will be provided with a rough sheet and offline exam candidates can perform the rough-work on the answer sheet only.
  • Do not carry any instrument, pencil-box, handbag, purse, jewellery any kind of paper, eatables, water, mobile-phone, calculator, camera, and any metallic item.
  • Diabetic students can carry sugar tablets, fruits (orange/ banana/apple) and transparent water bottles. No packed items will be allowed in the examination hall.
  • Maintain the silence and do not leave your seat without taking permission of the invigilator.
  • Use only black/blue ball pen to fill your details in the answer sheet.

Overview of JEE Main Examination 2019

Reach the examination centre at least 1 hour before the beginning of the exam in order to complete formalities. The registration desk will be closed 15 minutes prior the exam starts.

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As you must be aware that from this academic year onwards, JEE exam will be conducted by NTA and twice in a year (January and April) and in online-mode. Furthermore, the exam will take place in eight shifts, from 6th January -20th January 2019. You can download the JEE Main Admit Card from the official website from 17th December 2018.

NTA conducts JEE Main 2019 into two modes:

  • Paper 1- computer-based for admission in B.E /B. Tech. You will be tested on the skilled based on subjects like Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics. Time duration to attempt the exam is 3 Hours. You will get four marks for every right and 1 mark will be deducted for every wrong attempt.
  • Paper 2 – For B. Arch /B. Planning and subjects like Mathematics and Aptitude Test will online base exam and Drawing Test on Paper and Pen- based and will be attempted on Drawing Sheet.

Keep a tab on the above-mentioned guidelines and important documents before making your entry in the examination hall. Your JEE Main 2019 Result will be announced on 31st January 2019 for January session and on 30th April 2019 for April session.

Read more: Important Guidelines to Prepare for Class 10 Maths Exam

Don’t forget to download JEE Main app. It provides free study material, quizzes, mock test, previous year papers, and all the updates related JEE Main exam

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